Depression Counseling

Denver, NC

Depression Counseling in Denver, NC

I have no energy depression mental health counseling in Denver, NC

You have no energy

You wake up in the morning and immediately face a choice: get up and face the day or, the more preferable option, stay in bed. You may make a deal with yourself. Tell yourself you’ll get up when the snooze goes off. Ultimately, however, you end up staying in bed until the very last minute before you HAVE to get up, either to get somewhere or do something. It takes every bit of willpower to roll out of the bed and complete each task, if you don’t give up that is.

You feel hopeless and down on yourself

im lazy, not good enough, I just can't depression mental health counseling in Denver, NC

During the day everything feels pointless. You feel as if you are in a deep pit. You can see other people and life passing you by, but it feels like they are too far away to help. You often remember a time when things felt easier and more enjoyable, but you no longer feel connected to that former you. Instead, you tell yourself things like “I’m lazy,” “I’m not good enough,” or “I just can’t.”

You have forgotten what fun feels like

nothing is fun depression mental health counseling in Denver, NC

Since these feeling started, you have found that it is hard to do anything more than the minimum. This has led you to distance yourself from others and just tune out to the world around you. You struggle to find enjoyment in the things that used to make you feel excited and alive. In fact, you find yourself thinking thoughts you never imagined would cross your mind.

always tired depression mental health counseling in Denver, NC

You are tired of being tired

You want out of the shell that is your current self and back into the you that was motivated, productive, and had fun. You want to see a point to life that isn’t just obligation. You want to feel joy and purpose. You have finally gotten to a point where you realize you need out of the pit that is your depression. Maybe it has gotten worse in the last few weeks or maybe it has led to consequences at work or with your personal life. Either way, you need out of the pit.

We can help!

not lazy depression mental health counseling in Denver, NC

We help you rediscover a sense of purpose and bring happiness back into their lives. In order to do this, we help people understand what is going on (you are not lazy!). Then, we teach skills to hack motivation and encourage fun activities. Part of this process is teaching you how to cope with any emotion that comes your way so that you do not end up falling back into situational depression. Want more information on how we do this? Check out our approaches including CBT, DBT, & EMDR

Find purpose and enjoyment again!

We’d love to help you. Click here to schedule your free 15- minute phone consultation for depression counseling in Denver. Many times, depression does not present by itself. Check out our other specialities to see how we can also help anxiety, trauma, couples, families, and weight loss.

It is time to call and get help.

You’ve waited long enough.